Feeding The Family

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Dear Olive,
On Thursday of last week, I cooked my first mid week meal in five weeks. I've been very disciplined in devoting a chunk of my weekends to making chicken stock, plus two dishes (soup, curry, cacciatore, bolognaise), that see us simply reheating food each night, or, at most, cooking rice. (On one night every week, absolutely guaranteed, it's thai take away.) But on Thursday night, there was nothing pre-made left. We tend to eat very simply in our house, and thanks to our weekly farmers markets trip, there are always fresh veggies in the house. So, in the bottom of a large saucepan, I heated water with salt and bay leaves and poached some chicken thigh. In the steamer on the top of the same pot (one pot cooking ... bonus), I cooked broccoli, cauliflower and kale. It may sound pretty boring, but with the addition of a quick sauce made with tahini, olive oil, ground cumin, ground coriander, and salt & pepper, it was a really satisfying meal. And most importantly, it was ready to eat in 10 minutes flat. But wait, there's more ... by throwing in cherry tomatoes, sunflower seeds and pepitas, the leftovers made for a very tasty wintery salad type thing for lunch the next day.


1. Jane S said...

This sounds like perfect nourishing winter food! Yum.

2. ButterandBuntings said...

Oh thay sounds great. I usually cook a huge pot of soup every week and so lunch is always available as well as dinners if things are a bit hectic.

3. Jodi said...

I hope this is the first of many more foodie posts. HINT, HINT ;) x

4. Candice said...

Nothing resets the domestic compass more than creating simple, CHEAP (a big factor in our house) nourishing food. x C

5. natalie said...

Sounds yum! Simple with some lovely flavours x

6. ::The Beetle Shack:: said...

oh my gosh Kell, I feel like I could be reading Dave's words here- you and he are SO similar when it comes to kitchen philosophies.

love your work!

xo em


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